Choose rental period
Choose between:
2 hour rental
3 hour rental
4 hour rental
Unlimited rental time

Choose props
We have 100+ props for your to choose from!
Don't want props? No problem. You'll be able to tell us after booking.

Unlimited Prints
Your guests receive prints every time they use the booth! If a large group needs extra prints? No problem!

Online gallery
After your event, receive a password protected link to view every photo taken by our booth! No watermarks!
This is no iPad booth. Your photos are taken by a Canon DSLR Camera.

Choose backdrop
We have 18 backdrops for you to choose from!
Want to provide your own? That's fine too!
Choose your design
We have hundreds of print designs to use as starting points. Each design can be further customized however you like!

Guestbook included
We include a guestbook with every booking! Our booth will print two copies:
One for the book
One to take home
*2x6 template designs only

On-site attendant
A trained attendant will stay on-site the entire time making sure everything runs smoothly!